Infra.MarketThane, Maharashtra, IndiaInfra.Market is an online procurement marketplace that offers constructions materials and products to build projects. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
Plant PrefabRialto, California, United StatesPlant Prefab is a prefabricated design and construction company dedicated to sustainable construction, materials, processes, and operations. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
EquipmentShareColumbia, Missouri, United StatesEquipmentShare is an equipment and digital solutions provider serving the construction industry to help contractors accelerate productivity. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
BuildotsTel Aviv, Tel Aviv, IsraelBuildots specializes in transforming construction sites into a data-driven digital environment. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
Block RenovationBrooklyn, New York, United StatesBlock Renovation provides a platform for homeowners, designers, and contractors for home renovation projects. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
Mighty BuildingsOakland, California, United StatesMighty Buildings is a construction technology company that uses 3D printing, robotics, and automation to build homes. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
RealmNew York, New York, United StatesAll the data you need to navigate complex, expensive home decisions. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
AgoraSan Francisco, California, United StatesAgora is a materials management platform for construction companies. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
CongruexBoulder, Colorado, United StatesCongruex, an acquisition platform of companies, provides design, engineering, construction, and maintenance services to broadband networks. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
OpenSpaceSan Francisco, California, United StatesOpenSpace offers photo documentation which is automatically pinned to plan location with AI. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE