JINGQI NETWORKHefei, Anhui, ChinaJINGQI NETWORK is developing software products for civil administration, finance, health and eldercare sectors. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
SankaiBeijing, Beijing, ChinaSankai is a comprehensive health service provider for pension industry. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
STARCASTLEBaoshan, Shanghai, ChinaStarcastle offers independent and comfortable living space for elders. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
Xiangyi YanglaoBeijing, Beijing, ChinaXiangyi Yanglao offers diversified pension services. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
AizhaohuMinhang, Shanghai, ChinaAizhaohu is a domestic elderly care service provider company. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
FULLCHEERChangshahsien, Hunan, ChinaFullcheer offers old age people care services in China. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE