DuolingoPittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United StatesDuolingo is a language-learning education platform that offers 98 total courses across nearly 40 distinct languages. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
NovaKidSan Francisco, California, United StatesNovaKid is an edtech platform for learning English as a second language for children ages 4 to 12. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
NewselaNew York, New York, United StatesNewsela is an Ed-tech startup that takes content from trusted providers and turns it into learning materials. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
LingodaBerlin, Berlin, GermanyLingoda offers online live language classes in English, German, Spanish, French with qualified, native-speaking teachers. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
BabbelBerlin, Berlin, GermanyBabbel is the market-leading app for language learning. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
LingokidsMadrid, Madrid, SpainHelping families around the world raise amazing kids. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
ElsaSan Francisco, California, United StatesElsa is an AI-enabled language learning platform focusing on English pronunciation training and accent reduction. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
busuuLondon, England, United Kingdombusuu is one of the world's leading mobile apps for language learning - we break down language barriers! RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
Open EnglishMiami, Florida, United StatesOpen English is an educational technology company focused on English language learning for the Latin American and U.S. Hispanic markets. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
17zuoyeShanghai, Shanghai, China17zuoye is an online learning platform for K-12 students, as well as teachers, and parents. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE