comma.aiSan Francisco, California, United Statescomma is solving self driving cars while delivering shippable intermediaries: openpilot and the comma two. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
HazelcastSan Mateo, California, United StatesHazelcast is a provider of an open-source in-memory computing platform used for caching, stream processing, and microservices. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
ServerlessSan Francisco, California, United StatesServerless provides development framework for building serverless architectures. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
Enigma TechnologiesNew York, New York, United StatesEnigma provides reliable data and insights on the identity, activity, and risk profile of every small business. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
YubicoPalo Alto, California, United StatesYubico offers USB and wireless authentication solutions. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
WhiteSourceGiv'atayim, Tel Aviv, IsraelWhiteSource is a platform designed to automate open source security and compliance processes. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
PingCAPSan Mateo, California, United StatesPingCAP is a developer of an open-source, distributed SQL database for real-time analytics. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
CARTONew York, New York, United StatesCARTO is a platform that turns spatial data into an efficient delivery routes, better behavioral marketing, and strategic store placements. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
LucidworksSan Francisco, California, United StatesLucidworks offers the Connected Experience Cloud to some of the world's largest brands. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE
ApolloSan Francisco, California, United StatesApollo is the GraphQL company. Its Data Graph Platform helps developers, startups, and enterprises get the most out of GraphQL. RESEARCH STARTUP VISIT WEBSITE